A California witness at San Diego County reported watching “three strange lights” hovering in the sky and videotaped one of them, according to testimony in Case 73529 from the Mutual UFO Network (MUFON) witness reporting database.
The witness was waiting at a stop light in traffic at 10:15 p.m. on December 31, 2015, when the three lights were noticed overhead.
“I pulled over in a parking lot to stop and observe and take photos,” the witness stated.“As I was watching the three craft hovering, two of them started moving straight up and away from me – their lights getting smaller and smaller as they flew out of my sight.”
One of the three objects stayed behind.
“The third stayed where it was except for moving erratically from side-to-side. After around five minutes it took off in the same direction as the other two and quickly shot straight up overhead in the same direction as the others.” [...]
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See Also:
Diamond Shaped Object Filmed Over San Diego | UFO NEWS – VIDEO
UFOs Caught on Video, Over San Diego by Musician Tom DeLonge
News Crew Films Mysterious UFOs Over San Diego | VIDEO
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