Thursday, April 02, 2015

Mysterious UFO Photographed By Cawongla Resident

Mysterious UFO Photographed By Cawongla Resident 1-30-15
WHAT IS IT? Andrew Hanlon’s photo containing a mystery object. It appeared in images he took at his Cawongla home of a planet traversing behind the moon on January 30.

By Leah White

     CAWONGLA resident Andrew Hanlon has puzzled over the glowing, unidentified shape that appeared in a photograph he took of the moon two months ago.

Mr Hanlon, who has an interest in astronomy, said he was trying to take a picture of a planet traversing behind the moon on January 30 with his new Panasonic DMC digital camera from his home.

With the camera on a tripod he was taking photographs every 30 seconds, following the movement of the moon and waiting for a break in the clouds.

The next day he was going through the photographs and spotted a bright and unidentifiable object in one of the frames.

"It's glary all over but the moon is behind it, so it's not moonlight," he said.

"I'm just very curious. I'm trying to identify it." . . .

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