While Congress and the White House argue over illegal aliens, Stephen Bassett — founder of Paradigm Research Group and a registered lobbyist - continues to demand that lawmakers, the White House and assorted officials tell what they know about aliens. As in extraterrestrials.
The determined Mr. Bassett has already organized a “Citizen Hearing on Disclosure” last year at the National Press Club in the nation’s capital. A DVD of the 30-hour close encounter between witnesses, six former congressmen, law enforcement, experts and journalists was sent to all members of Congress on Nov. 5, as a matter of fact.
Mr. Basset now says he will “renew direct engagement” with lawmakers and has organized an aggressive social media campaign among like-minded voters who also want answers about UFO sightings, alien technology and other matters. He offers a dozen sample tweets for interested folk, a #disclosure hashtag and a mission statement: “Dedicated to ending the government imposed
truth embargo regarding an extraterrestrial presence engaging the human race.”
Congress last addressed the issue formally in 1968, Mr. Bassett says. . . .
Continue Reading . . .
See Also:
The Idiocy of the Disclosure Movement
Petition, UFOs, White House and Lies
UFO Mavens Testifying At Congressional-Style Hearings (LIVE UPDATES) | Citizen Hearing On UFO Disclosure | UFO NEWS
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