Two California witnesses southbound along Highway 5 in Coalinga reported watching a slow moving, triangle-shaped UFO “with three huge, white lights on the underside” that descended to just 20 feet over their vehicle, according to June 2, 2014, testimony in Case 56732 from the Mutual UFO Network (MUFON) witness reporting database.
The reporting witness was driving with a passenger in the vehicle heading to Phoenix when the object was first seen and thought to be a plane about midnight on May 29, 2014.
“It flew straight up and over us,” the reporting witness stated. “It went up quick in a field and then flew right over us, slowly.”
The witness described the object.
“It had three huge, white lights on the underside. It took off straight towards us and I thought, why would a plane fly so low? When I saw the underside with the huge white, round lights, it was dark in color with sharp edges, triangle-shaped with no other lights. It flew above us maybe 20 feet.”
The object then moved over a nearby field and appeared to land.
“It flew to the west of the highway and all the lights underneath came on brighter. When the lights came on brighter, it rotated in the air before its descent, then landing in a field.”
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See Also:
Motorist Spots UFO Triangle Above Hythe (UK)
Triangle UFO Photographed Over South Carolina
UFO Triangle Photographed in Texas | PHOTO
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