An unidentified flying object was photographed while flying over the eastern city of Caracas on Monday, June 2, 2014, at approximately 07:00 hours.
The image was captured by Ivana Cardinale, who reported that he was smoking a cigarette outside of a house located in the municipality of Los Palos Grandes Chacao, when he noticed the unusual event.
He carried his camera with him, since he planned to do some shots in the open, following the recommendations had offered the contacted Carmencita Padrón in his radio "They, The Visitors from Space" program that airs every Sunday through the public broadcaster World YVKE.
The witness outlined that the object radiated a "very bright bluish-white" light, easily visible. "It looked like a star, but bigger, maybe the size of a garbanzo bean if you take it with your hands, stretch your arm and place it in front," he described.
He also noted that it "was moving slower than a passing plane and made no noise," so I immediately ruled out the possibility that it was a common aircraft. "At this time it is not usual overflying helicopters," he added.
He said he tried to warn some friends about what was happening with, who were in the place, but the UFO crossed the area "from southwest to northeast, linearly and in a few seconds," quickly going behind the mountains of the National Park Waraira Repano.
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See Also:
Evidence of Mass UFO Sighting Uncovered; Biedny Account Confirmed
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