Thursday, April 03, 2014

Dome-Shaped UFO Reported Over Cape Town | UFO NEWS

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UFO Photographed Over Cape Town, South Africa 3-2-14

By Roger Marsh
The Examiner

     A witness in Cape Town, South Africa, is looking for an explanation for a "rounded, dome-shaped" object that appears in the upper left corner of the frame, according to April 1, 2014, testimony in Case 55140 from the Mutual UFO Network (MUFON) witness reporting database.

The reporting witness filed the report for her boyfriend who she said "is not entirely convinced it is not a plane or a helicopter."

"This photograph was taken in Cape Town, South Africa on Saturday, March 2, 2014," the woman stated. "He was taking photos of the general scenery along with a friend and only noticed this shape on the left hand side of the image just above the cloud. He said there were definitely no planes or helicopters in the area."

The woman described the region where the photo was taken.

"This part of Cape Town is on the mountain near the Simonstown Naval Base which allegedly has secret underground bunkers and has been somewhat of a hub of UFO reports increasing in recent years. It is quiet, semi-wild residential area which overlooks the sea." . . .

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