Saturday, January 18, 2014

UFOs Triangulate Over Newport Beach | VIDEO

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UFOs Triangulate Over Newport Beach 1-7-14

By Matt Coker

      Websites that track unidentified flying objects are abuzz over a triangular formation of lights that crossed the sky above Newport Beach in broad daylight recently.

What was perhaps Orange County's first UFO sightings of 2014 happened around 10:30 a.m. Tuesday, Jan. 7.

Here is the witness report:
I was having coffee when I looked up and saw a large triangle formation above my roof! The object consisted of 3 orbs working together to form this triangle. They hovered in formation for about a min then took off north towards the ocean. At 1:24 shows a breakdown of the triangle activity. I also managed to film some Rods. The video shows various Rods flying thru the screen and flying in packs! This is the clearest footage of Rods from my deck yet. There were also some orbs captured. It was high activity!

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