It’s a bird . . . It’s a plane . . . No it’s . . ..
What is that illuminated thing flying up over the top of my house?
That’s a question that a lot of Manteca residents asked on New Year’s Eve when they stepped outside and saw the strange sight of what appeared to be illuminated orbs floating through the night sky.
They were definitely flying objects. But whether they were unidentifiable or not depending on who was looking at them – the same strange lights were reported as far south as Hollywood and as far north as Sacramento.
Several Bulletin readers were able to get a good look at them and most believe that they were nothing more than a series of floating luminaries – wish lanterns – that were being raised progressively over the course of several minutes as the clock approached midnight.
“I saw them too – they were definitely luminaries,” wrote Michelle Andreetta. “I even said, ‘Imagine if those are UFOs,’ because they totally were not UFOs. I even watched one flame out.”
Deanna Uecker said that she didn’t get the chance to snap a picture, but noted that with “100 percent confidence” the lights were luminaries.
“One flew right over us and there was no mistaking what it was.”
And apparently there was more than one source. . . .
Continue Reading . . .
See Also:
Chinese Lanterns, Often The Source of UFO Reports are Blamed for Huge Fire
UFOs May Have Been Chinese Lanterns | UFO NEWS | VIDEO
UFO NEWS | VIDEO: Strange Lights Over Centennial Were Chinese Lanterns
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