Monday, January 21, 2013

Powerful Gamma-Ray Burst 'Hit Earth in 8th Century'

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Powerful Gamma-Ray Burst 'Hit Earth in 8th Century'

A gamma ray burst, the most powerful explosion known in the Universe, may have hit the Earth in the 8th Century.

By Rebecca Morelle
     In 2012 researchers found evidence that our planet had been struck by a blast of radiation during the Middle Ages, but there was debate over what kind of cosmic event could have caused this.

Now a study suggests it was the result of two black holes or neutron stars merging in our galaxy.

This collision would have hurled out vast amounts of energy.

The research is published in the journal Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society.

Nature's snapshot

Last year, a team of researchers found that some ancient cedar trees in Japan had an unusual level of a radioactive type of carbon known as carbon-14.

In Antarctica, too, there was a spike in levels of a form of beryllium - beryllium-10 - in the ice.

These isotopes are created when intense radiation hits the atoms in the upper atmosphere, suggesting that a blast of energy had once hit our planet from space.

Using tree rings and ice-core data, researchers were able to pinpoint that this would have occurred between the years AD 774 and AD 775, but the cause of the event was a puzzle.

The possibility of a supernova - an exploding star - was put forward, but then ruled out because the debris from such an event would still be visible in telescopes today.

Another team of US physicists recently published a paper suggesting that an unusually large solar flare from the Sun could have caused the pulse of energy. . . .

* Special Thanks To Andrew Ackerley


  1. Two black holes? Talk about a bunch of gobleygook. The black hole's gravity is so strong that not even light can escape the extreme gravity of a black hole according to consensus theory. So how do two black holes, colliding emit EM radiation (i.e. light) without it getting caught in the extreme gravity well of these two colliding black holes? Nevermind that you have to divide by zero to create the black holes in the first place, Stephen J. Crothers' published mathematical derivation of black hole theory proves that even on paper, the consensus theoreticians got the math wrong.

  2. Gamma ray bursts are theoretical, look suspiciously like star quakes (eta tauri does this) & due to the statistics of there being 2 every 1000 years in every galaxy & their estimated radioactivity then all life on Earth is supposed to get wiped out every time one within 1000 light years goes off(every few million years)! Some people even think 1 wiped out the dinosours!
    Neutron stars are usually discovered in binaries, theres lots of them out there, so where are the 'black holes' anyway? Theyre just something a guy named Schwartzchild made up in WWI while reviewing the already accepted relativity theory!


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