The Dolan/Zabel book is lauded (on its cover) by many of ufology’s ET proponents.
The 335 page book is replete with every UFO conspiracy theory extant and then some.
MJ-12 is presented and accepted as authentic, so you get the gist of what the book entails.
Although I scanned the book, the Disclosure idea is repellent to me at a gut level.
And while the whole disclosure/ET panoply is presented with Rich Dolan’s usual élan, I just couldn’t stomach the premise or conclusions – that alien beings have been here and used or exploited by the United States government, leading to a co-operation between them and us.
Dolan and Zabel call their extraterrestrials The Others, which is a nice but loony rubric.
And the authors throw in a lot of contemporary goodies to ruminate upon: economics, political strife, comic books, Ronald McDonald, et cetera, et cetera.
If you’re a ET proponent, this book is for you. If you’re a sane, intellectual UFO hobbyist, the book will give you dyspepsia or worse.
It’s published by Career Press, Inc, {Pompton Plains, NJ] and can be located online at and
It sells for $16.99 and can be found at the usual book haunts:, Barnes and Noble, Powell’s and other book venues.
It’s not my cup o’ tea but you ET believers will love it.
Dolan and Zabel give you everything ET and conspiratorial -- everything!
. . . More
See Also:
VIDEO | Richard Dolan Takes on John Alexander
VIDEO | The UFO Cover-Up in 10 Minutes By Rich Dolan
UFO NEWS | Bryce Zabel Joins Silver Screen Saucers
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