Saturday, December 17, 2011

Roswell, UFOs, White Sands and Fifty Foot Pistachios: A Drive Through New Mexico

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By Matt Payne
The Washington Times
     NEW MEXICO - December 14, 2011 - With the exception of a McDonald’s billboard boasting to be the “Unofficial crash sight,” Roswell is not unlike any dusty south central New Mexico town. On it’s perimeter, a smattering of suburbs and trailer parks. Moving towards its center, friendly people work in locally owned businesses. What makes this otherwise authentically preserved Main Street unique is its homage to the green-skinned extra terrestrial visitors that may or may not have graced this town with their presence on July 8th, 1947.

While I entered the town a skeptic, by the end of the trip I saw a UFO of my own. Flying in the sky. . . .

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