The buzz is evident in the recent voting for the top space story of 2010: The past year's spate of UFO reports received the most votes in our unscientific end-of-year news poll. That doesn't prove anything ... except that there's a continuing level of interest in the UFO phenomenon. That interest is reflected as well in the results from opinion polls, the airing of TV shows such as "V" and the appetite for books such as "UFOs: Generals, Pilots and Government Officials Go on the Record."
More . . .
See Also:
"UFOs: Generals, Pilots & Government Officials Go On the Record . . . is a Call to Arms, a Plea . . . for the Renewal of Honest Scientific Inquiry"
VIDCAST: Leslie Kean On The Dylan Ratigan Show , Re Her New Book - UFOs: Generals, Pilots and Government Officials Go On the Record
Leslie Kean's Book 'UFOs: . . . On The Record' Makes MSNBC's Annual 'Top Space Stories List'; Cast Your Vote To Make It No. 1!!
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