UFO crash lands in Norwich
By Sarah Hall
Officers from the Earlham, Larkman and Marlpit Safer Neighbourhood Team (SNT) will be at West Earlham Junior School for their English Day on Wednesday June 9 2010.
A mock UFO crash is being demonstrated where the schoolchildren have to write about the discovery as part of their learning.
Members of the SNT will be helping out on the day for teachers and pupils to become more familiar with their local team and therefore help build positive relationships for the future.
PCSO Stacey Palmer from the SNT said: “It is great to be involved in the day which is certainly different from their usual classes.
“I will be there in my capacity as a local police community support officer to help the children with any queries they may have when they find the UFO and this is a great way to increase engagement with the children and allow them to work with the Police in a positive way.
“I will also support the classes with their writing and creativity skills afterwards to really engage with the children. It's hoped by having a presence at the school for this fun event we can create solid relationships with the children and teachers so they know who we are and understand more about the work we do within the community.”
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