By Alamogordo Daily News
When new, "cutting-edge technology is created, one finds well-educated people claiming, 'It is impossible,'" Stanton Friedman wrote in "Flying Saucers and Science" (New Page Books/2008). Such, he points out, is the skepticism of UFO critics.3-17-10
Friedman, a nuclear physicist who worked for General Electric, General Motors, Westinghouse and McDonnell Douglas, is today acknowledged as a leading world expert on UFOs. He will speak in Alamogordo on March 22, 23 and 24.
According to Friedman's Web site www.v-j-enterprises.com/sfhome.html, Friedman first became interested in UFOs in 1958. For the past 43 years he has lectured about them at more than 600 colleges and 100 professional groups in every state in the country, as well as in nine Canadian provinces and 16 other countries.
Friedman was "the original civilian investigator of the Roswell Incident," the Web site said. "Crash at Corona: The Definitive Study of the Roswell Incident," which he co-authored, is considered one of the top works regarding the 1947 event that has captivated researchers and truth seekers for more than six decades.
"Mr. Friedman will spend several days in Alamogordo after an appearance in Roswell," said Lyn Buchanan, an Alamogordo resident who trained remote viewers with the U.S. Army. "After speaking here, he will attend the annual UFO Conference in Aztec. This is a unique opportunity for people in our community to hear someone of Mr. Friedman's caliber, and even spend some time with him."
Friedman will speak at First National Bank's Lunch 'n' Learn on March 23. Make reservations at 437-4880. His talk at the bank will be a prelude for a more in-depth presentation on March 24 at the Rohovec Theatre on the campus of New Mexico State University-Alamogordo. The event is from 7 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. Tickets are $10 and available at First National Bank, 414 10th St., and the Alamogordo Chamber of Commerce.
He will have copies of his latest book to autograph at each of his Alamogordo appearances.
On March 22, Buchanan is holding a private meet and greet at his home for Friedman. Only 20 spaces are available at $100 each. Refreshments will be provided and reservations can be made directly with Buchanan at 437-8285.
The Cloudcroft Lions Club is sponsoring Friedman, and Dr. Cheri Jimeno and NMSU-A have provided the Rohovec Theatre. Friedman will also autograph at Barnes and Noble in Las Cruces, in the Mesilla Valley Mall, on March 23 at 6 p.m.
Friedman, who lives in Canada but holds dual citizenships in the United States, says that "data from large scientific studies" over many years "indicates some UFOs are intelligently controlled extraterrestrial spacecraft." In addition, he says, there is "enough knowledge of advanced technology to show interstellar travel is feasible."
Among Friedman's many honors, UFO Magazine of the UK presented him a Lifetime UFO Achievement Award in Leeds, England, in 2002. His many publications and papers include the book "Captured! The Betty and Barney Hill UFO Experience," which he co-wrote with Betty Hill's niece, Kathleen Marden, according to the Web site.
More . . .
See Also:
UFO Perceptions
National Geographic Mockumentary
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