By Greg Bishop
Tonight (11/01) Nick and filmmaker Paul Kimball will join me for a special edition of Radio Misterioso. As many of you may know, our friend and fellow writer Mac Tonnies passed away on October 18th. We will recall times spent with him and review some of his work as well as what we know about the release of his last book, tentatively titled The Cryptoterrestrials.UFOMystic
Paul and Nick have been in contact with Mac’s parents and will offer some information on Mac’s last days as well as the condition of his affairs. We will open up the phone line in the last segment of the program for anyone who wants to talk about Mac and how he affected them.
The show will be recorded and will be available for download within a few days.
Log on at killraidio.org from 8-10PM PST (don’t forget the time change!)
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