By Carla Allen
If you’re searching for an out-of-this-world event to take in this summer you might want to check out the 2009 UFO Festival and Symposium in Shag Harbour on Aug. 14/15.NovaNewsNow.com
This is the third year for the event and organizers are anticipating more visitors than ever.
A slash in the entry price for this year’s symposium is expected to help. Last year close to 50 registered at $35/each. This year’s price for the symposium is $10. Four UFO speakers/researchers, half the number of presenters for 2008, have been booked to cut costs.
“Last year we had eight speakers that we had to pay for, plus their gas mileage and a flight from the U.S. for one speaker,” said Cindy Nickerson, chair of the Shag Harbour Incident Society. The organization broke even thanks to funding and residents who hosted speakers.
On Friday, Aug. 14 the action starts at the UFO museum centre in Shag Harbour at 9 a.m. with displays by local artists: Jillian Kendrick (Shag Harbour Sea Glass); John Cameron paintings and Ruth Rocks, a local folk artist who paints aliens on rocks. The UFO researchers will also be selling copies of their books.
At 10 a.m. a press conference is scheduled, followed by a barbecue at 11 a.m. and entertainment by Dale Nickerson. At 1 p.m.
Chris Styles will preview his new book.
“We recommend that people bring lawn chairs so they’ll be able to sit for the afternoon,” said Nickerson.
At 3 p.m. there will be a draw for four to win a lobster supper with the researchers. At 5 p.m. the supper will be served at the Stage Coach Inn (cost to be announced).
On Saturday, Aug. 15, the UFO centre opens at 10 a.m. The symposium starts at the Island and Barrington Fire Hall at 9:15 a.m. with David Cvet, followed by Chris Styles at 10:45 a.m.
An Alien CafĂ© will be open for lunch and presenters will have their books for sale along with local artist’s wares. At 1 p.m. Don Ledger takes the stage, followed by Stanton Friedman at 2:30 p.m. There will be a panel session hosted by the four presenters at 4:30 p.m.
At 7 p.m. a variety show (cost $5) will be held at the Island and Barrington Fire Hall with several musical acts, a comedian and Chris Styles performing. Participants are encouraged to enter the Alien Costume Contest and dress up as anything related to space. There will be a prize for the best costume.
Nickerson says “loads of people” have been emailing and phoning about the festival.
“The furthest person that I know of is coming from Denmark and another lady is coming from California. I think the longer that you do this, and the more people that know about it, the more interest there is from people to come.”
For more info on the UFO Festival and Symposium visit: www.shagharbourufo.com
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