By The Daily Nebraska State Journal
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From the How Stuff Works website:
But on June 10 an anticlimactic dispatch came from Benkelman. In a heavy rainstorm the remains had "melted, dissolved by the water like a spoonful of salt." The obvious message: Take the story with a grain of sodium chloride. The State Journal, red-faced, dropped it then and there.
In the 1960s a copy of the first newspaper article resurfaced, and reporters, historians, and ufologists rushed to Dundy County. Lifelong residents of the area assured them no such thing had ever happened. Later, even after the telltale follow-up dispatch was uncovered, one humorless author theorized that the "storm was artificially created so that a UFO concealed within the clouds could retrieve the wreckage of the crashed UFO."
Good Day Solarity!
ReplyDeleteThank you for taking time to make comment; however, I'm afraid the editors of "How Stuff Works" are painting an erroneous picture: first, what's obvious to the a fore mentioned editors, may not not be for anyone else. Although the quoted sentence is accurate, what's omitted is also intriguing:
It Dissolves Like a Drop of Dew Before
the Morning Sun.
The Most Mysterious Element of the Strange Phenomenon.
Special to The State Journal.
BENKELMAN, June 9, 1884 -- Your correspondent has just returned from the spot where the aerial visitor fell last Friday. It is gone, dissolved into the air. A tremendous rain storm fell yesterday afternoon beginning around 2 o'clock. As it approached, in regular blizzard style, most of those assembled to watch the mysterious visitor fled to shelter. A dozen or more, among them your correspondent, waited to see the effect of rain upon the glowing mass of metal. The storm came down from the north, on its crest a sheet of flying spray and a torrent of rain. It was impossible to see more than a rod through the driving, blinding mass. It lasted for half and hour, and when it slackened so that the aerolite should have been visible it was no longer there. The draw was running three feet deep in water and supposing it had floated off the strange vessel. The party crossed over at the risk of their lives.
They were astounded to see that the queer object had melted, dissolved by the water like a spoonful of salt. Scarcely a vestige of it remained. Small, jelly-like pools stood here and there on the ground, but under the eyes of the observers these grew thinner and thinner till they were but muddy water joining the rills that led to the current a few feet away. The air was filled with a faint, sweetish smell.
The whole affair is bewildering to the highest degree, and will no doubt forever be a mystery.
Alf Williamson, the injured cowboy, left yesterday for Denver, accompanied by his brother. It is feared he will never recover his eyesight, but otherwise he does not appear to be seriously injured.
There has been a continued stream of investigators here for the past two days, among them a number of members of the press. The Denver Tribune representative was among the witnesses to the evanishment.
No mention of anyone being "red-faced."
Finally, there have been incidents that have occurred no where near as long as over 100 years ago where towns folk have debated the authenticity of an event e.g.,
Roswell, Maury Island, Kecksburg etc.