Saturday, August 16, 2008

UFOs Hovering Caused Chaos!
Terrified Brits Thought They Were Witnessing an Alien Invasion

Orange Orb UFOs

The Star

EERIE orange lights hovering in the sky caused chaos as terrified Brits thought they were witnessing an alien invasion.

     Drivers blocked roads and people phoned the police after dozens of glowing orbs were spotted over a housing estate in one of Britain's biggest cities.

Police had so many calls they sent officers to investigate the UFO mystery.

Matthew Darsley, 31, who lives on the estate in Stretford, Manchester, said: “It was the strangest thing I’ve ever seen. They looked as if they were on fire – really bright orange orbs.

“They definitely weren’t helicopters or planes and there was no smoke or sound. We were thinking: ‘This is it.’”

Beverley Clarke, who watched with husband Michael and son Joe from their garden, said: “We saw one through the trees. Just as it was disappearing, another one came from the same direction.

“I don’t really believe in flying saucers, but they were huge, bright orange spheres.”

The lights are just the latest in a series of mysterious sightings this summer, including orange lights in Cornwall.

A Greater Manchester Police spokes-man said: “It is believed the lights occurred naturally, possible as a result of a meteor shower.”

1 comment :

  1. It sounds like someone released yet another bunch of Chinese lanterns. The UK has had a massive spate of UFO sightings triggered by these lanterns, which are set off at weddings and other celebrations.


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