By Time Magazine
For a year and a half she had kept secret the fact that she was married, that her husband is a millionaire—President Silas Newton of Indiana Southwestern Gas & Utilities Corp. He is an able golfer (six times champion of Virginia).
They met at a tournament she was covering. Often after their marriage they met again at tournaments—formally, without sign of their relation. "When we get back home we have many a laugh." She was afraid she would lose her job if her Journal chiefs knew she was married, rich. Newspaper work has an abiding fascination for those who have followed it. You get about so much, meet so many "interesting people."
Nan O'Reilly would have hated to give it up. Even as her husband had let her, a Lucy Stone Leaguer, keep her own name, so her bosses let her, an able reporter, keep her job.
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