A Ufological Anniversary
By Nick Redfern
By Nick Redfern

It all began with the late American UFO researcher, Leonard Stringfield. In 1991, he released a self-published report on UFO crash-retrieval incidents - one of a significant number of reports that he had put out since 1980 and that continued up until the time of his death in 1994. And while all of Stringfield’s reports were of particular interest to me, his 1991 report stood out for one, key reason.
Stringfield made a brief reference in his report to the alleged crash of a UFO in early 1964 on the fringes of a large area of forest in central England known as the Cannock Chase. So the story went, U.S., Russian, and British military and intelligence personnel had been alerted to the fact that something strange and significant was going on, and all were apparently involved in monitoring the movements of the UFO as it plummeted towards the earth.
Stringfield had a source - S.M. Brannigan - who was apparently involved in monitoring the situation on behalf of the U.S. military and related to Stringfield that the object apparently split or broke into several pieces - with parts of it crashing on the Cannock Chase and the remainder slamming into the ground somewhere in Germany. And that was basically it.
More . . .
See Also: Exclusive Interview With Nick Redfern is in The Latest Issue of 'UFO Review'
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