Monday, November 27, 2006


UFO Over Willits
This Was News

By Jody Martinez
Ukiah Daily Journal

     UFO OVER WILLITS. An apparent unidentified flying object (UFO) lit the skies of Willits last night, according to a group of Willits residents who reported a "pared orange peel-shaped object" to the National UFO Reporting Center.

"It was kind of an odd-shaped dome. It disappeared and then came back again," said Lawrence Porter, one of the several neighbors who sighted the unidentified flying object.

Porter said the object was sighted by William Bernhart, Bonnie Porter and the next-door neighbor Dixie Southwick, as well, at about 6:45 last night. The group watched the UFO for about 45 minutes before the phenomenon disappeared from the skies. The UFO was sighted about two and one-half miles east of Willits.

More . . .

See Also: UFO Sightings Over Sonora Continue!


1 comment :

  1. This object was spotted on Wednesday, Nov. 25, 1981.


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