Great Falls getting no respect
By Richard Ecke
The Great Falls Tribune
. . .Fabulous UFOsBy Richard Ecke
The Great Falls Tribune
Another thing Great Falls is known for is UFOs. Really.
The online encyclopedia Wikipedia says a 16mm film taken by Nicolas Mariana at Legion Park "remains one of the strongest cases supporting the existence of UFOs ever captured on film. Since then, over 100 other UFO sightings have been made in Great Falls, making it one of the most active locations for UFO sightings in North America."
Visit en.wikipedia.org for the full listing.
Mariana, a Selectrics baseball manager, happened to be at the ballpark when he filmed the unusual scene. Mariana later accused the Air Force of cutting out his best closeup footage of two flying objects before returning it to him. Air Force officials denied any wrongdoing.
What to plug
Great Falls clearly would not want to tout its past shantytowns, or the fact some TV people don't want to work here. But why not promote the city as a UFO capital?
Roswell, N.M., has snagged lots of tourists with aggressive, if wacky, promotions of its town as a purported landing spot for a flying saucer after World War II.
Earth to Great Falls: A UFO Museum in the Electric City is the least we could do.
More . . .
See Also: “Like Two Dimes in the Sky - The Great Falls Flying Saucer Film and the Cold War in Montana"
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