Monday, October 10, 2005

Jerry Pippin Hosts The 'Paul Hellyer Speech Video'

Exopolitics Seminar Toronto
Information about the Symposium

by Stephen Bassett
     Paradigm Research Group Executive Director, Stephen Bassett (US), gave the closing Keynote Presentation at Exopolitics Toronto: A Symposium on UFO Disclosure and Planetary Directions at the University of Toronto's Convocation Hall on September 25.

     Other speakers included historian, Richard Dolan (US); researcher/journalist Paola Harris (Italy); researcher Stanton Friedman (Canada) and, notably, Canadian political figure, Paul Hellyer. All speakers addressed the symposium's theme: why is information concerning extraterrestrial-related phenomena and government involvement with these issues still being withheld from the public by specific western nations and what are the implications?

For the article in its entirety, and to view the video visit:


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