Monday, August 15, 2005

MoD 'Open-Minded' On Alien Encounters


By Craig Brown
     ALIEN abduction protocols, curried kidney recipes and Navy-issue watches are among the topics of inquiries received by the Ministry of Defence since the Freedom of Information Act came into force at the beginning of the year.

     Averaging 300 requests a month, the department has had to respond to some bizarre and tricky questions, including from conspiracy theorists about the MoD's contact with alien life.

     While one wanted access to any physical proof held by the MoD of aliens, another asked simply: "Please could you send me a copy of the MoD's policy on alien abduction?"

     However, the MoD, despite being as helpful as it could, denied that it had a policy on aliens - or pictures of them.

     "The Ministry of Defence does not have any expertise or role in respect of 'UFO/ flying saucer' matters or to the question of the existence or otherwise of extraterrestrial life forms, about which it remains totally open-minded," said its published reply.

     But UFO investigator and writer Ron Halliday said that MoD was clearly aware of the existence of alien life.

     "I think they're being very mealy-mouthed about this," he said.

     "Back in the 1990s, they revealed that they had been recording UFO sightings since the Forties, and handed the dossier over to UFO experts to investigate."

     More prosaic, but equally odd questions, have included requests for a Royal Navy recipe for sauteed kidneys and curried meatballs, a photocopy the new Pulsar aircrew issue chronograph watch, as well as a desire to know what sort of tea is drunk by navy personnel.

More . . .


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