Sunday, September 07, 2014

Two Boomerang-Shaped UFOs Reported Over Cowpens, South Carolina

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Boomerang UFOs Had ‘Clearest Lights Ever Seen’ - August 2014

By Roger Marsh

     A South Carolina witness at Cowpens reported watching two boomerang-shaped UFOs with the “clearest lights ever seen,” according to testimony in Case 59566 from the Mutual UFO Network (MUFON) witness reporting database.

The Vietnam veteran says he has never seen aircraft like this before.

“It was shaped like a boomerang,” the witness stated. “Had 4-foot by 8-foot lights inside and outside of each angle.”

The witness described the object.

“Clearest lights ever seen. One nose light. Nothing flashing. Maybe 50 mph or less. Eight to 10 lights on each slope. Vehicles were 1,000 feet apart.”

The witness could not identify the object.

“No blimp. It had wing spans of 100 feet and 100 feet at end of triangle.” . . .

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