Wednesday, April 30, 2014

UFO, Videotaped By a Netherlands Resident

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UFO, Videotaped By a Netherlands Resident - Maassluis, Netherlands 4-11-14

Lee Speigel By Lee Speigel
The Huffington Post

    . . . on April 11, Dick Smits was at home in the town of Maassluis -- south of The Hague, the seat of government of the Netherlands and the capital city of South Holland.

It was the middle of the afternoon, and Smits was videotaping a boat on a canal. He spotted a blue object hovering in the sky for several minutes, so he turned his camera on it and zoomed in.

From the angle that Smits caught the object, it looks a little like a classic flying saucer (see above), with a curved bottom and a dome on top.

At another point in the short video, the blue-tinted UFO moved slightly (bottom right) so that its structure seemed a little less like a flying saucer and, perhaps, more manmade. Could that be some sort of cockpit on the right side image?

When the Rotterdam-based RTV Rijnmond TV organization interviewed Smits about what he videotaped, he didn't indicate how the blue object eventually disappeared from view.

Smits reportedly told the broadcaster that he just didn't know what the object was. . . .

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