Saturday, November 09, 2013

Man Snaps Photos of UFO in Skies Over Butleigh (UK)?

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UFO Spotted in Skies Over Butleigh? 10-31-13

UFO spotted in skies over Butleigh?

By Centralsomgaz

      A MAN from Butleigh had a close encounter last week when he saw something he couldn't explain hovering in the skies near his house.

The man, who has asked not to be named, was at home on October 31 when he spotted something unusual in the sky.

"It was about 5pm because I had just got in from work," he said. "I was in my bedroom and I just glanced out of the window and I could see this light, perhaps about 200 feet above the ground, not far from the solar farm." . . .

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