Sunday, January 08, 2012

UFO NEWS | Man Reports UFO Sighting in Kyle

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Man Reports UFO Sighting in Kyle - 2012

By Wes Ferguson
Hays Free Press
It’s probably too soon to worry about an alien invasion, but a Kyle man is claiming that he and his wife saw a strange black ball hovering in the sky on Monday, according to a report filed with the Mutual UFO Network. The man, who was not identified, says in his report:

    My wife,son, & I just returned from picking up our SUV from getting an oil change. When as soon as we pulled up into the driveway, I noticed something unusual in the sky.

As my wife got out of the SUV and I got out of the other car, she began to reach for our son in the carseat, when all of a sudden I noticed this strange black/greyish ball just hovering in the sky.

From my perspective, it was in the same direction of the Moon. I asked my wife, “What is that?!” I got her attention, and she said “What?” looking at me. I said, “Look! Look there, do you see that black ball?” she says “Yeah, I see it.” and I said, “What the heck is that? It’s just sitting there!” . . .

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