Tuesday, November 07, 2006

Interview with Ufology's Wendelle Stevens

Wendelle Stevens

     The following letter was sent to me by Tom Nesser of Rochester, NY. He had read Gary Kinder's "Light Years" and felt the urge to write to Wendelle Stevens who did the investigation on the Eduard Meier contact case. Eduard "Billy" Meier was contacted by people from the Plejarans. At the time he said the Plieades because he wanted to make sure that any "copy cats" would use
By Aileen Garoutte
that name and he would know they were hoaxing their contact. Within the last few years he has said they really were Plejarans.

After writing to Wendelle, he requested Tom send his questions and answers to me.

Dear Mr. Stevens:

I don't know if any of your encounters with contactees touch on any of the following, but if they have, your answers to the following questions would be appreciated. Thanks.

Q: From all your experiences with contactees, do you have a theory as to why they are here?

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