By Christian Macé
© October 2006
My friend and renowned Ufologist, Bernard Bedault” is dead! He succumbed to cancer in the morning of October 23, of this year. © October 2006
Bernard had impassioned himself in the study of the “UFO phenomenon” for the last 50 years—his life was devoted to it. Bernard would seek out “UFO witnesses” as they became known, and in particular focused on pilots. He also met with a high-ranking individual of the “French Gendamerie” (national military police force) which has investigated the UFO phenomenon and revealed to him that “children had been” reported “missing” in with regard to UFOs. In a televised interview done in May 22nd, of 2003 he discussed this matter.
Bernard penned his first book in 2003 entitled, “Ovnis (UFOs) Attention Danger” where he describes the experiments of the UFOs. Bernard had just recently finished a second book on the paranormal where he details the fabulous adventures of French “contactee” Jean-Claude Pantel. Unfortunately, Bernard’s search for a publisher was in vain. Writer, Jimmy Guieu, a friend of Bernard’s was also fascinated by the declarations of Pantel.
Guieu evoked intrigue with the late J. Allen Hynek on the topic of Pantel while visiting the USA many years ago.
Bernard Bidault also encountered three “Men in Black” (MIBs) which I chronicled in my article, “Les Extraterrestres qui sont parmis nous et les MIB.”
Extract of my article about the MIB :
« ...Here now the testimony of the friend Ufologue Bernard Bidault, whom I know very well. Bernard remains in the Gironde, and was also, just like me, friendly with fire our friend Jimmy GUIEU. In 1972, the friend Bernard Bidault had become acquainted with a high person in charge for the Gendarmerie, of which this one dealt only with the phenomenon UFO. And it revealed to him badly inter alia step things on “Removals” related to the phenomenon UFO. In particular final removals women and children. And Bernard thus taken the decision to write a future book on this question, and its manuscript comprised about fifty pages at this time. When its meeting with “Men in black arrived then”! That occurred in 1976, in Paris area, on a road between Fresnes and the Hague-the-Pinks, by a beautiful sunny day. Bernard drove his Ford car, returned at his place to lunch, and it was between 12 noon 45 and 13 h. A this hour of the meal, it had nobody there on this road. At a time given Bernard an eye in his central rear view mirror throws, and does not notice any car. Nothing at the horizon. Then, hardly 3 or 4 seconds later, after a new glance in its rear view mirror, Bernard discovers a blue Volkswagen car which followed it, almost stuck to its bumper! Inside, there were 3 men in black costume, with a white shirt, and also carrying a black tie and a black hat. They had sunglasses of black color. Then, curiously, Bernard heard a mental call saying to him “Stops D writing your book”. After a new control in its rear view mirror, more car! Then this strange car was spirit to double it but finally the operation will not end, because once more, more car, plus nothing! Bernard will stop a little further to give a description of the situation… The vehicle had volitilized well in an incomprehensible way. Bernard will not write his book, and thereafter will fall seriously sick, reaches D a cancer… Bernard Bidault had been a judge and president of a court of Prud men. (Update Tuesday April 13, 2004: Bernard Bidault finally wrote his book entitled “UFO danger attention”, Editeur Jean-Michel Grandsire, published in 2003).
With my contacts, Bernard Bidault will be invited on the plate of television of the French channel “TF1”, emission “Y' does not have photo! ” devoted to the UFO, and diffused on May 15, 2000. I had revealed this business with the journalist Laurent Varlet of “Y `does not have photo! ”, which implemented this emission on the UFO, and thus Bernard will tell his adventure on the plate of “TF1” And I gave to “Y' does not have photo! ” a crowd of information on the phenomenon UFO. By a mail of dated May 22, 2000 Paris, Laurent Varlet will write to me: “Christian, large a thank you for your participation activates with the construction of our emission. In a friendly way. Laurent “.
REVELATIONS. To see with interest the two volumes of the friend Contacted Jean-Claude Pantel entitled “Visitors of L Space time”, appeared with the Ramuel Editions. One discovers there considerable information and lived situations entering within the framework of the demonstrations of strange characters, completely identical to those mentioned throughout my study Those are of Humanoïdes, men and women, coming from OTHER DIMENSIONS.
Fire the friend Jimmy GUIEU had been first A to reveal the fabulous history of Jean-Claude Pantel spread out now since about thirty years, and had remained always friendly. In its book “Our Masters the Extraterrestrial ones”, appeared with the Editions “Presses of the City” in 1992, Jimmy GUIEU says this to us pages 288-289: “Revelations, new work (with key) of Jacques Valley. Before D `to analyze certain points of this book, which can and must seems me it to be read on several levels, a flashback is necessary. Jacques Valley and me we are met for the first time, in November 1989, on the plate of “Sky my Tuesday”, where we took go for the next morning to 10 a.m. “We will chatter half an hour because my timetable is charged”, prevented me Jacques. In fact, we were left about midday fifty in a climate of sharp sympathy. A little before separating us, I say to Jacques Vallée: - I met Allen Hynek twice in 1978: once in Montreal, briefly, where it had supervised film accompanying my lecture tour, and at his place, in Evanston (Chicago), where it had invited me, at the end of May, at the end of my long round. We sympathized, I thoroughly reported the strange business Jean-Claude Pantel to him, his four contacts with beings besides, the painful marked out years of paranormaux phenomena, often extremely violent ones, who poisoned his life and that of his/her comrades (cf the book of the exhausted paranormal and the Terror come from nothing, n° 3 of the collection “Knights of Light”). Allen showed himself highly interested, captivated even, and lengthily thoughtful by tétant his extinct pipe, in his “devastated” garden, very chamboulé, which awaited its resequencing by a gardener. “.
End of quotation. Feu Allen Hynek had been during a score twenty years, the official and scientific consultant of the Air Force of the USA, out of matter D UFO.
With the very pointed information brought by the friend Jean-Claude Pantel, it is proven that there are multitudes of Humanoïdes Species since very old times, remaining in DIFFERENT multitudes DIMENSIONS, therefore côtoyant us, and making appearances of time to other in our DIMENSION or environment. These multidimensional personages are called “Semi-Géométrisés Personages. We same, Mankind, are” Géométrisés people “. The famous “the Men in black”, “Semi-Géométrisés Species”, take part of this procedure of these Humanoïdes which are driven through these OTHER DIMENSIONS existing in our own environment. What explains also and thus the appearances and sudden disappearances of all these vehicles used by those, which make the shuttle with these OTHER DIMENSIONS! The use of these last confers INVISIBILITY when one them réintégre! Their extraordinary Paranormaux Capacities enables them to collect our thoughts, and thus any knowledge of us! … This is why “They” are so quite indicated… The author of these lines, Christian Macé, could meet several times certain of these “Semi-Géométrisées Species”, pertaining to a Secret society (1) of another DIMENSION, and to attend with the appearance and the instantaneous disappearance of motor vehicles…
(1): On Thursday January 6, 2000, Jean-Claude Pantel, other Ufologues friends and myself, were with the funeral of our friendly fire Jimmy GUIEU, with Ivry The-Roadway-D, in Eure-and-Dormouse (where Jimmy in the cemetery of this same locality rests now). A couple (Humanoïdes man and woman) of this Secret society was present in these places, laying out of Renault Espace color green. They said an incongruous sentence to the one of the participants, like a covering joint D `eye to draw their attention and to announce their presence thus subtly…
The friend Jean-Claude Pantel, in its 1st volume “Visitors of the Space time”, published with the Editions Ramuel, in 1997, us says this, page 292, after D a voyage in the center the Earth, but located in another DIMENSION, carried out by its ex Lucette partner in company of fire his/her friend Dakis: “It is under ground, as we had more or less deduced, qu they had travelled! But undoubtedly with a depth qu no speleologist N will never approach Virgins (Entity of Espace-Temps, Fluido-luminescent. Note of Christian Macé) did not neglect to indicate to us that there is” force possibilities of junctions démultipliables inside the living matter “. It spoke about “corridors” borrowed always accidentally by the Men whose the latter, alas, cannot be then extirpated. These corridors are located in the airs, on or under the sea and, obviously, on terrestrial surface or under this one, as we have just made state of it. They are controlled by other alive Species whose our Planet remains the support. Dakis evoked celebrates it Bermuda Triangle and mysterious disappearances noted around, Virgins overbids then: - We do not move away so much, Jankis! Think of Minerve and Eurydice: the two submarines which disappeared, in turn, off Toulon. Is it quite necessary to specify you that it is not only? D different nations have and will have to deplore the loss of several identical machines. Magloow (Another Entity of Space time, Fluido-luminescent. Note of Christian Macé) added: - The accesses to these connections, in multidimensional matter, always cause the existential rupture of those which N do not have the possibilities of living the imitation making it possible to make body with the ambient one proposed. With regard to your Species, some cells, only, are ready to live the thing: generally with unconscious state, exceptionally with semi-conscious state, such that which authorized two of between you to be subjected to the experiment which we discussed. Experiment which did not emanate from our will and still much less yours since you are not without knowing, from now on, that you do not have access to the unconscious one consciously. Experiment of which you should not be unaware of, either, that those who carried it out had received before our approval: this last point of detail, should it be specified, intended to reassure Jantel (laughter). “. End of quotation. Note of Christian Macé: Jankis is the nickname given by these Entities to Dakis. Jantel is the nickname given by these same Entities to Jean-Claude Pantel… The book of Jean-Pierre Chambraud “Corsica, bases of UFOS), published in the Editions Of the Rock (there is a score 30 years), reports in particular the experiments UFOS of Contacted Corsican Michel Ange Mr.! This reveals that there is a base of UFOS in Corsica of the south, in the north of Sartène!
Invisible with the eye, and thus located in another DIMENSION. 1970 to 1974, I was member of the GEPA (Grouping of Study of Air Phenomena), chart n° 1457.
Joel Mesnard and Bernard Bidault, above-named, made party of it too. The GEPA published a quarterly review specialized on the UFO entitled “Space Phenomena”. In the number 23, 1st quarter 1970, this review published an extremely interesting article of the Russian scientist Youri A. Fomine entitled “philosophical Aspects of the problem of the interplanetary contacts”. Pages 03 to 12.
With very elaborate comments of the engineer fire Rene Fouéré, who was at that time the Secretary of the GEPA.Y, was approached (there is already more than thirty years!) the possible existence of OTHER DIMENSIONS! Also called HYPERSPACE! What would make it possible the UFO to be driven in this universe, and to reduce considerably their time of voyages of a planet to another. What would explain the sudden appearances or disappearances thus, instantaneous, of these UFO... ».
The Bernard Bidault's book (in French) : "OVNIS attention danger", JMG Editeur :
I know very well the extraordinary case Jean-Claude Pantel, because Jean-Claude Pantel live with my Very great friend girl Chantal !...
* Rough Translation By FW & Friend
See Also: The interview of Jacques Vallée by Marie-Thérèse de Brosses Summarized By Gildas Bourdais
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