Wednesday, June 14, 2023

'Nonhuman Intelligence' Have Injured or Killed Human Beings, Intimates UFO Whistleblower

Screen shot of interview video by NewsNation with UFO whistleblower David C. Grusch

"When asked if human beings have been injured or killed by nonhuman intelligence, Grucsh avoided getting into details.

'While I can’t get into the specifics because that would reveal certain US classified operations, I was briefed by a few individuals on the program that there were malevolent events like that,' he said."


The Department of Defense has established a special team: the
All-Domain Anomaly Resolution Office (AARO). It’s job: to investigate and identify what are now hundreds of reported sightings. So far, they have not confirmed any of them to constitute proof of alien life.

The U.S. government’s official stance, however, remains the same: human beings are alone.

But now, for the first time, a former member of AARO is speaking out with a stunning story.

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