Saturday, February 04, 2023

The Pentagon's UFO Obsession and The Chinese Spy Balloon

Artwork by for the article, The Pentagon's UFO Obsession and The Chinese Spy Balloon

"A rash of UFO sightings from credible witnesses like U.S. Navy pilots pushed Congress and the Pentagon to take a more proactive and public stance towards the phenomenon of people seeing strange things in the sky. The Pentagon’s All-domain Anomaly Resolution Office (AARO) has been tasked with sorting through the sightings and explaining what, exactly, is going on."

     The biggest story in the United States is the apparent Chinese spy balloon discovered floating high over Montana. Last night, the Pentagon scrambled F-22s and announced it was tracking the balloon. This discovery is worth thinking about in the context of the hundreds of UFO sightings the Pentagon has published over the past few years.

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