Monday, June 07, 2021

Pennsylvania UFOS Witnessed by Military Pilots Unsolved Despite Government Investigations

Fighter Jets Pursue UFO

     July 23, 1952 – Three F-94 Starfire fighter jets cruised at 644 miles per hour in the skies above Pottstown, Pennsylvania. Fighter pilots reported seeing a silver “large pear-shaped” object with no visible means of propulsion. Two smaller, darker
By James McGinnis
Courier Times
objects also appeared to run circles around the larger craft for approximately 30 minutes.

The alleged encounter 40 miles northeast of Philadelphia was one of 12,618 incidents detailed and investigated by Project Blue Book, a government program to assess the credibility and potential threat of unidentified flying objects.

Six decades later, the U.S. military is once again publicly investigating UFOs, and is due to issue a report to Congress on what it now terms “unidentified aerial phenomenon.” ...

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