Friday, June 25, 2021

Link Between UFOs, UAP, Aliens and the Interstellar Object, 'Oumuamua'?

Link Between UFOs, UAP and Interstellar Object, 'Oumuamua'?
If some UAP turn out to be extraterrestrial technology, they could be dropping sensors for a subsequent craft to tune into. What if ‘Oumuamua is such a craft?

     ... the Pentagon is about to deliver a report to Congress stating that some unidentified aerial phenomena (UAP) are real but that their nature is unknown. If UAP originated from China or Russia and were a national security risk, their existence
By Avi Loeb
Scientific American
would have never been revealed to the public. Hence, it is reasonable to conclude that the U.S. government believes that some of these objects are not human in origin. This leaves two possibilities: either UAP are natural terrestrial phenomena or they are extraterrestrial in origin. Both possibilities imply something new and interesting that we did not know before. The study of UAP should therefore shift from occupying the talking points of national security administrators and politicians to the arena of science where it is studied by scientists rather than government officials.

Many or even most UAP might be natural phenomena. But even if one of them is extraterrestrial, might there be any possible link to ‘Oumuamua?

1 comment :

  1. Anonymous8:53 AM

    They give no time to react they block you telepathically they are electromagnetic they feed and converse from their own brain neurons far ahead of what they want to show.


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