... Marilyn Monroe was murdered by government people, in 1962 at the age of 36, because in her dalliances with President John Kennedy, she became privy to classified information about UFO crash retrievals. |
By Donald Burleson
7-6-20 |
A now famous CIA document, issued just the day before she died, states that one secret she unfortunately knew about had to do with “the visit by the president at a secret air base for the purpose of inspecting things from outer space.” (I’m quoting exactly.) When I filed a Freedom of Information Act request for the wiretap transcripts of Marilyn’s telephone conversations, the CIA declined to admit having them, and I filed an appeal based on the CIA document mentioned. They accepted the appeal, thus inadvertently authenticating the document for me, and for all of us. They wouldn’t accept an appeal based on a purported CIA document that they didn’t recognize as being legitimately their own.
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See Also:
Secrecy Surrounding the Analysis of UFO Material Deepens
MJ-12, CIA, NSA, Secrecy & UFOs
Ripping Open the Pentagon's Secret UFO Program
Navy Admits To 'Another' Secret Video Re The Nimitz UFO Incident
Luis Elizondo Addresses The Pentagon UFO Program Controversy (AATIP) – BREAKING THE SILENCE
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See Also:
Secrecy Surrounding the Analysis of UFO Material Deepens
MJ-12, CIA, NSA, Secrecy & UFOs
Ripping Open the Pentagon's Secret UFO Program
Navy Admits To 'Another' Secret Video Re The Nimitz UFO Incident
Luis Elizondo Addresses The Pentagon UFO Program Controversy (AATIP) – BREAKING THE SILENCE
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