Wednesday, April 22, 2020

AREA 51: Pilot Snaps Rare Pics of Secret Airbase

AREA 51: Pilots Snaps Rare Pics of Secret Airbase

     They are America's most secretive airbases, Area 51 and Tonopah Test Range Airport, located deep in the massive Nevada Test and Training Range that covers a large portion of southern Nevada. Although there are distant vantage points on
By Tyler Rogoway
The War Zone
the ground that allow views into these highly secure installations, aerial images of them taken close enough to make out any details are rare to nonexistent. Regardless, some may be surprised to hear that private planes do legally fly along the borders and even into some of the ranges that make up the NTTR, offering a one of a kind aerial tour of a land that the government would like you to forget. One such aerial adventure was recently flown by private pilot Gabriel Zeifman in his little Cessna 150. He brought his camera along with him and the results are stunning.

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