Some have called it a supernatural place. Others have deemed it “cursed.” Terry Sherman got so spooked by the happenings on his new cattle ranch that 18 months after moving his family of four to the property now known by many as | By Adam Janos www.history.com 1-18-20 |
He and his wife Gwen shared their chilling experiences with a local reporter in June 1996: They’d seen mysterious crop circles, the Shermans said, and UFOs, and the systematic and repeated mutilation of their cattle—in an oddly surgical and bloodless manner. Within three months of the story’s publication, Las Vegas real estate magnate and UFO enthusiast Robert Bigelow bought the property for $200,000.
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See Also:
Former Skinwalker Personnel Suspect They Were Unwitting Research Subjects
Chris Marx on AAWSAP, BAASS and The Skinwalker Ranch – Inside The Black Vault, with John Greenewald
Secret Medical Experiments at the Skinwalker Ranch?
What is Really Happening at the Skinwalker Ranch?
Hunt for the Skinwalker & The Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA) Connection
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