Thursday, April 04, 2019

ADIFO: Supersonic Flying Saucer | VIDEO

ADIFO - All-DIrectional Flying Object

ADIFO could resurrect the idea of flying saucers,
promising extreme speed, efficiency and aerial agility


     ADIFO, or the All-DIrectional Flying Object, is a flying machine designed "to change the actual paradigm of flight," according to engineer and inventor Razvan Sabie. Sabie worked with
By Loz Blain
accomplished aerodynamicist Iosif Taposu (Senior Scientist at Romania's National Institute for Aerospatial Research, and former Head of Theoretical Aerodynamics at the National Aviation Institute) to develop the concept, and has built a working prototype with a 1.2-meter (3.9-ft) diameter for testing.

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