Saturday, January 05, 2019

The Paranormal Radio Host and the -ONGOING- Money Scandal - Pt 6

The Paranormal Radio Host and the -ONGOING- Money Scandal - Pt 5

Steinberg Asked for 'Emergency' Money 222+ Times in 2018

     Gene Steinberg sent some 222 "emergency" email cash solicitations during 2018, substantially surpassing his 2017 total of 139. The 2018 total of 222 includes only emails to one specific list, and does not include similar requests made through other e-lists, websites or social media pages, all of which were also used as solicitation tools by Steinberg. The Paracast and Tech Night Owl host's 2018 email requests for cash are listed at the end of this post by subject line and date. Content from each of the emails may be viewed at the Twitter account @SchemeGeneRC.
Jack Brewer
By By Jack Brewer
The UFO Trail

Steinberg Scam Art

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