Friday, December 07, 2018

Forget Roswell: Aztec Has One of the Most Intriguing UFO Mysteries

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Forget Roswell: Aztec Has One of the Most Intriguing UFO Mysteries

     The site of the 1948 UFO crash sits just north of Aztec, New Mexico, and it’s not an easy place to find. It’s hidden inside a barren desert landscape and surrounded by rugged dirt roads, eerie rock formations, and arid shrub life along County Road 2770.
By Amanda Push

The Aztec UFO incident is a tale we hadn’t heard until a couple of months ago. In March 1948, as the story goes, a 100-foot saucer is believed to have crashed just north of Aztec. Unlike the Roswell crash, which took place only eight months prior, the Aztec UFO is believed to have landed on Earth mostly intact, with its occupants killed by the impact. The government is believed to have then descended upon the site to sweep up its contents and place them in a black hole of red-taped secrecy.

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