Tuesday, November 06, 2018

Stellar Phenomenon Frightens Indians

Stellar Phenomenon Frightens Indians

     Considerable excitement was caused here late yesterday afternoon and last night by the appearance of a strange star in the heavens to the south of the city. The object was first seen by Indians at the United States
By The Albuquerque Evening Citizen
school, two miles south of town. They reported it to Frank Crandall, chief clerk at the school, who immediately focused a large glass on the object. When first seen, the object had the appearance of a large star, but so rapidly did it approach the earth that by night it looked like a large white electric globe, and was surrounded by a wide circle of light.

The strange object was visible in this city from the capitol and federal buildings, the two largest structures in the place. Many people watched the ball of fire from 6 o'clock until after 9 o'clock, when it was hidden behind clouds. This morning it was not visible.

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