Saturday, October 27, 2018

UFO Psychology—Leo Sprinkle Papers

Leo Sprinkle (Newspaper Undated)

     Have you wondered about the psychology of UFO conspiracies?

Dr. Leo Sprinkle was a Professor of Psychology at the University
By Wyoming Public Media
of Wyoming. In the 1970s he did research into explaining who UFO spotters are.
Photograph of Dr. Leo Sprinkle in his office from a newspaper article about Sprinkle and his work, undated. Box 14, Leo Sprinkle papers.
Credit American Heritage Center

Sprinkle took a rare path into psychology. He studied parapsychology – the study of extrasensory perception and pre-cognitive dreams.

Sprinkle worked with other scientists to untangle whether UFOs are from outer space, or if UFO spotters are simply witnessing some natural phenomenon.

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