Friday, September 14, 2018

Mysterious Light Flashes Are Coming from Deep Space

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sterious Light Flashes Are Coming from Deep Space,
Last year's mysterious outburst of deep-space light flashes was even more frenzied than previously thought, a new study reports.
     On Aug. 26, 2017, astronomers with the Breakthrough Listen project — a $100 million effort to hunt for signs of intelligent alien life — spotted 21 repeating light pulses called fast radio bursts (FRBs) emanating from the dwarf galaxy FRB 121102 within the span of 1 hour.
Mike Wall

Some scientists think FRBs come from fast-rotating neutron stars, but their source has not been nailed down. And that explains Breakthrough Listen's interest: It's possible that the bursts are produced by intelligent extraterrestrials, perhaps to blast space-sailing craft through the cosmos at incredible speeds, some folks have speculated.

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