Monday, September 24, 2018

Soldiers Were Attacked By UFO, Suffer Ill Effects During Korean War

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Soldiers Fire On UFO, Suffer Ill Effects During Korean War
Theories range from high-tech Soviet death rays to extraterrestrials studying human combat to combat-stress-induced hallucinations.
     In May 1951, one year into the Korean War, PFC Francis P. Wall and his regiment found themselves stationed near Chorwon, about 60 miles north of Seoul. As they were preparing to bombard a nearby village with artillery, all of a
By Natasha Frost
sudden, the soldiers saw a strange sight up in the hills—like “a jack-o-lantern come wafting down across the mountain.”

What happened after—the pulsing, “attacking” light, the lingering debilitating symptoms—would mystify many for decades to come.


... And whereas at first, it had glowed orange, now it was a pulsating blue-green brilliant light. He asked his company commander for permission to fire at the object with armor-piercing bullets from an M-I rifle. As the bullets hit the body of the craft, he recalled, they made a metallic “ding.”

1 comment :

  1. It is so obvious that extra terrestrials are real and have been here and in our universe millions of years before we first arrived on this planet. Just use your noggin.


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