Tuesday, September 05, 2017

"UFOs and Nukes" Documentary Takes On Controversial Topic

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UFOs and Nukes – The Secret Link Revealed

Since the dawn of the atomic age, UFOs have been
monitoring humankind's use and storage of nuclear weapons.


     Hastings’short-and-sweet documentary is actually well done and uses believable graphics and re-enactments that tone down the
By Andrew W. Griffin
usual “cheese” level you can get with “fringe” documentaries of this nature. Hastings makes it clear that this is no joke and that if the unknown individuals piloting these mysterious craft can disable nuclear weapons – or, more scarily – trigger launch countdowns, only to stop them at will – it is something humanity needs to address openly and honestly.

And when Hastings is asked why these UFOs are interfering with humankind's civilization-ending weapons arsenal, he suggested that "they" are warning humanity not to "play with fire."

We agree. And seven years ago, CNN took the topic seriously enough to provide coverage of a Washington press conference addressing the subject of UFOs and their links to nukes. Sobering stuff.

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