Tuesday, September 19, 2017

AREA 51: Pilot Dies in Crash of Mystery Aircraft

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Area 51
THE death of a top US pilot at a secret test facility is wrapped in mystery. The aircraft he was flying hasn’t been revealed, and it took three days for authorities to admit the crash happened.

     LIEUTENANT Colonel Eric Schults died from injuries sustained after the military aircraft he was flying crashed on Tuesday.

The US Air Force won’t reveal what aircraft he was flying.
By Jamie Seidel

It also took authorities three days before publicly announcing his death.

Both elements are highly unusual, especially given it came a day before two A-10C Thunderbolt II ground-attack aircraft crashed on the same weapons testing range. Both pilots managed to eject to safety.

“Information about the type of aircraft involved is classified and not releasable,” Major Christina Sukach, chief of public affairs for the 99 Air Base Wing at Nellis, told military.com.

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