ROSWELL — One hot day in early July 1947, rancher William “Mac” Brazel told Lincoln County Sheriff George Wilcox that he had found strange debris from some sort of aircraft crash at a remote site out in the desert, about 40 miles from Corona, N.M. | By Robert Nott The New Mexican 7-2-17 |
Within a day, the U.S. Army Air Force sent out a news release announcing it had found the remnants of a flying saucer. The Roswell Daily Record’s headline July 8, 1947, said it all: “RAAF Captures Flying Saucer On Ranch in Roswell Region.” The nation, swept up by a series of reports on unexplained discs in the skies, was transfixed by the possibility of visitors from outer space.
As Roswell began commemorating the 70th anniversary of the crash and celebrating the museum’s 25th year, about 15,000 visitors converged on the town late last week and throughout the weekend for the 22nd annual UFO Festival.
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See Also:
Roswell celebrates 70th anniversary of UFO incident
50,000 Expected to Invade Roswell for Festival
Roswell - It Really Did Happen
Former Editor of The ‘Other’ Roswell Newspaper Shares His Knowledge of The UFO Crash | INTERVIEW (Redux)
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