Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Former Editor of The ‘Other’ Roswell Newspaper Shares His Knowledge of The UFO Crash | INTERVIEW (Redux)

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Interview of Roswell Incident First-Hand witness

By Dennis Balthaser
© 11-1-12 / 13

     Considering that the Roswell Incident occurred some 65 years ago, interviewing first-hand witnesses has become more difficult each year, as they become fewer and fewer each year. I have during the past 16 years interviewed several, and each one has been valuable in perhaps getting new information, or even better for me, confirming what is already known, as I have always felt verification and confirmation remain an important part of doing this research.

Such was the case recently when Stanton Friedman, the original Roswell civilian researcher contacted me about the name of such a person he wanted me to talk to. As it turned out this individual, (now in his 90’s) lives in Roswell, so I placed a phone call to him and had an interesting 30 minute discussion with him, agreeing to meet him for coffee to continue our discussion when I returned to Roswell from a speaking engagement in Texas. That follow-up meeting lasted 1½ hours over several cups of coffee. The gentleman I interviewed was the editor of the Roswell Morning Dispatch newspaper in 1947, when the Roswell Incident occurred.

The gentleman struck me as extremely sharp for his age, with good knowledge of locations, people and most dates. During both interviews he emphasized the fact that I probably knew everything he was telling me, however I explained the importance of verification of the information we were discussing. I prepared several pages of questions and comments for our second interview and will show my questions as “DGB” and his responses as “Editor.”

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