Friday, March 24, 2017

Claims Of UFOs Near Space Station is Crappola, says NASA

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Claims Of UFOs Near Space Station is Crappola, says NASA

     For years, UFO hunters have waged an ongoing battle with NASA, the United States’ space agency. Armed with nothing more than an internet connection, anyone can spend hours on end, searching for unexplained objects that might fly through the view finder of one of several HD video cameras mounted on the International Space Station.

There are numerous examples over several years of where ISS watchers claim to have seen, recorded and posted YouTube videos of UFOs, hoping to convince the public that alien ships often visit the ISS.
Lee Speigel
By Lee Speigel
The Huffington Post


When The Huffington Post reached out to NASA regarding recent video captures of alleged UFOs at the ISS, an agency spokesperson sent us this statement:
No unidentified objects in the popular sense have been seen from the International Space Station. Reflections from station windows, the spacecraft structure itself or lights from Earth commonly appear as artifacts in photos and videos from the orbiting laboratory.

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