A mysterious star that some astronomers believe could harbor an "alien megastructure,” continues to confound researchers. A study accepted for publication in the Astrophysical Journal has only | By Mary Bowerman USA Today 10-5-16 |
...the strange dimming of KIC 8462852 suggests a large mass of matter is circling KIC 8462852. Over the past year, scientists have hypothesized that everything from a mass of comets to bad data or alien structures could be to blame for the unusual light curve. So far, nothing has been conclusive and attempts to identify radio signals from the star have been unfruitful. ...
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See Also:
Alien Megastructure Mystery Will Be Settled For Good
Comets Can’t Explain Weird ‘Alien Megastructure’ Star
Serious Scientists Talking About an Alien Mega-Structure Near Strange Star
No Laser Signals Detected from 'Alien Megastructure' Star
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